Page name: Fox-People Army [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-11-23 00:16:51
Last author: foxgirltori
Owner: Kuramasgirl
# of watchers: 19
Fans: 0
D20: 9
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Welcome to the Fox-People Army!


We're here to dominate the world with fox-people,demons, lovers! Happy huntings! ^^


1-You must be a fox person, demon, or lover to be in this wiki. 
2-No fox-haters!
3-No reference to naughty stuff (you know what I'm talking about)
4-Have fun!^^
5-Don't be an asshole

Here are badges for members ^^

For more info (if you can't understand this, I pity you), contact [Fox of Fire] or [Raiko Fire]

Just add your name to this list to become part of the army!

1-[Fox of Fire]
3-[Raiko Fire]
6-[Tsukino Neko]
7-[Yoko Kurama]
8-[fredy krueger]
11-[Heather Feather]
12-[Siraku The Demon Wolf]
16-[Combat Engineer]
18-[They look like monsters to you?]
27-[Melody "Yami" Anizamu]
28-[Three Tailed Fox]
39-[Dark Lullaby]
32-[goth dinah]
33-[Yasashiku Arukadia]
37-[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]
38-[. x o x o .]
41-[Vessel 4 Christ]
42-[Demetrius Duvalt]
44-[Vhnori Valmos]
48-[Crescent Moon Faerie]
51-[Pyro Mac]
54-[Night Wytch]
57-[Yumi Hikari]
59-[Slytherin's Werewolf]
60- [burntashes]
61-[Four Winged Fox]
63-[Chaos Spirit]
65-[Lady Lucifer]
67-[Kyoko The Kitsune]
68-[Silver Storm]
70-[Divinedragoon Dart]
71-[~Spirit Fox~]
73- [foxgirltori]

Hey! I got a Fox Contest!

Katie started writing a story about a fox girl! Check it out at Fox Thief

And we need a name! Vote at <poll:15644>

And a page for designing the characters for Fox Thief, Fox Thief Characters!

Here are a some good sites i found for anime. Add on if it's not on here!

- ; the name tells all
- ; anime pics, mp3s, and info
- ; anime info, music, and pics
- ; many animepics
- (WARNING: some hentai(anime porn) included in this site and lot's of pop-ups); download whole anime episodes of Inu-Yasha, DBZ, and many others
- ; the anime web turnpike
- ; pics and such
- ; pics and such, and links
- ; anime clips and images
- ; wallpapers
- ; mp3s
- ; well, it an anime site...^^; ; A great place to learn about Kitsunes and foxes. Note: Contains Hentai.

<img:>Fellow Ally: fox and hound club

<img:>fellow ally: bakas united

<img:>Fellow Ally:Play Rurouni Kenshin

<img:> Fellow Ally: Fox Lovers United
- The Kitty Club
-Fox and Hound Club
-meeps unite
-fox-halflings unite
-As the Night Goes On

Contests various members are holding:
none at the moment...

Username (or number or email):


2005-05-26 [Kiristo]: No, no me gusta correr...

2005-05-26 [Nuktae-tal]: uh?

2005-05-26 [Kiristo]: :P

2005-05-26 [Nuktae-tal]: never mind then* goes into a corner and sits there knees to my chest*

2005-05-26 [Kiristo]: lol!^^ hm........Yo Dibujar...Edward Elric!^^ dunno if I said that right, but me no care!

2005-05-26 [Nuktae-tal]: uh...

2005-05-26 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2005-05-26 [Nuktae-tal]: hhmm you checked out my house lol...betcha you didn't read what I put in the bottem of my description!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

2005-05-26 [Kiristo]: I'll go read it now.^^

2005-05-26 [Nuktae-tal]: hahah you don't have to! I was just remarking on what everyone does! lol

2005-05-26 [Kiristo]: ^^'

2005-05-26 [Nuktae-tal]: hahahah a little sad isn't it! tee hee hee

2005-05-28 [Kyoko The Kitsune]: ...>.> out dont mention ed to my sister..she go psycho...o.o; dose any1 kno my sister?

2005-05-28 [Nuktae-tal]: nope!

2005-05-29 [Fizban]: te gusta dibujas...yo no encanta doodling, pero yo no puedo dibujar bien>_<(oh yeah and were all insane when you are the one who is curled up in a ball roking in the corner of the room;)

2005-05-30 [Kuramasgirl]: Me espanol es limited :( Mal espanol maestra -.-;

2005-06-01 [Nuktae-tal]: ...don't know any other then what everyone knows...hahahahaahahahahah

2005-06-01 [Vhnori Valmos]: Dont feel bad my espanol es limited too, but i do now a little bit of japanese.

2005-06-01 [Nuktae-tal]: I know only a small fraction more of japanese then I do of spanish and it makes me sad!!

2005-06-01 [Vhnori Valmos]: Well look at the bright side, at least you know english

2005-06-01 [Kyoko The Kitsune]: ...o.o i thought at least some ppl knew here...>> she's [Lady Sadira]... i just hate having an older sis T_T

2005-06-02 [Nuktae-tal]: lol well..I won't be able to help it if were on the subject...personally...I like ed hes cute and short and sweet ...sometimes...


2005-06-04 [Fizban]: sometimes is right...pero si si!! ustedes no saben mas espanol...lols

2005-06-06 [Nuktae-tal]: lol

2005-06-06 [Fizban]: pero me encanta hablar en espanol muy much...

2005-06-17 [Kyoko The Kitsune]: o.o

2005-06-20 [Nuktae-tal]: I"m going to leave I swear

2005-06-24 [Kyoko The Kitsune]: .> aw?

2005-07-28 [William Christian Inuma]: that fox looks like inuyasha

2005-07-28 [Kuramasgirl]:'s not..Plus it's really old ^^;; It's a fox, though.

2005-07-29 [Nuktae-tal]: lol it reminds me of Yoko on yu yu hakusho lol

2005-07-29 [Kuramasgirl]: Exactly what it's supposed to ^^;;; I think.. nn; I wasn't the one who made it, but I know the person who did ^^;

2005-07-30 [Nuktae-tal]: hahaha I see...but why the red hakima?

2005-07-30 [Kuramasgirl]: Ummm..Because it's cool? ^^;;;

2005-07-31 [Nuktae-tal]: hahahah okay

2005-08-05 [Vhnori Valmos]: Oooooooooooooooook, im totaly lost now

2005-08-05 [Kuramasgirl]: Aren't we all ^^;

2005-08-06 [Fizban]: what...that has all the characteristics of inu down to the hair!! wich is stupid

2005-08-06 [Kuramasgirl]: What do you mean stupid?

2005-08-07 [Fizban]: i mean its retarded to mkae a char after something to wich is reputed to be a a fox

2005-08-07 [Kuramasgirl]: Are you talking about the badge? If you are, you can take that up with its creater, [Raiko Fire]. But I warn you, if you piss her off like your annoying me now, then you'll most likely get reported.

2005-08-07 [Fizban]: banned from this wiki because i think we should have if we are using anime used an anime char thats a fox rather than inu...okay, whatever...sorry i expressed my opinoun on something to wich is apparently off, alhtou if you think really hard about it hey, it might make some sense somewhere, i mean foxes are in the dog family... and there is little point in taking it up, it doesnt really matter, i was simply stating...but however you want to take it you are more than welcome to

2005-08-07 [Kuramasgirl]: You know, you're really getting on my nerves here. The badge is whatever Rei says it is, and she says it's a fox. End of discussion. I'm taking care of this wiki for her, so watch it a bit. You're leaning over the edge.

2005-08-08 [Nuktae-tal]: right...Fizban its okay to express your opinions...but laybe she just likes the hair and the red hatori top...I mean...its clearly not inuyasha isn't that doesn't matter, its a fox man with green eyes enough said

2005-08-08 [Fizban]: oy vey...i porpously didnt reply to that because i didnt want to, i dont care about friggen arguing over weather or not some fox looks a thousand times like inu, and then all you people get so angry at me for simply saying that...then you keep going with it when i let it go...okay whatever i know i am on your nerves, your pettie little way of saying shut up, just say shut up in the first place, if you just said something like oh well i dont care it is what it is, none of this would have continued whatever...lets all just shut up, it doesnt matter!!...god...

2005-08-08 [Nuktae-tal]: I don't know what your so angry about...but from what you wrote...well...anyways I am not one to get angry over things like this...I was just trying to understand what you meant is all

2005-08-08 [Fizban]: i am not angry thats the thing...annoyance is very different

2005-08-08 [Kuramasgirl]: There's no reason to insult me over it. If you really wanted me to tell you to shut up, then you should have told me. What are you annoyed about? The fact that I reprimanded you for arguing about something pointless?

2005-08-08 [Kuramasgirl]: Rule 5- Don't be an asshole...

2005-08-09 [Fizban]: no, i wasnt arguing, i was simply saying that irrelevent of what anyone says it still looks like inu, expressing my opinoun isnt arguing, annoyance being caused from the never ending amount of messages like this one that are pointless and could be avoided if the subject was dropped, so please dont continue it thus making your self an asshole for being immature and feeling the need to get the last word...lets just both agree were being pettie and move on...

2005-08-09 [Kuramasgirl]: Somehow saying that we're both pettie doesn't really make me want to drop this conversation...

2005-08-11 [Nuktae-tal]: no ones pettie...okay listen...I merely asked the questions to try to understand what Fizban meant...okay but lets change the subject to something else...

2005-08-11 [Fizban]: like when is yuyu hakusho getting back on!!^_^ i miss kurama...

2005-08-11 [Nuktae-tal]: never saw it in the first place

2005-08-11 [Fizban]: are you serius...i love that show...

2005-08-11 [Nuktae-tal]: very serious...

2005-08-11 [Fizban]: loyls...

2005-08-11 [Nuktae-tal]: yes*raises eyebrow*

2005-08-13 [Vhnori Valmos]: Hieh is me fav. character( sorry my spelling sucks right now)

2005-08-13 [Kuramasgirl]: Hiei's a very cool character ^_^

2005-08-14 [Nuktae-tal]: ....I haven't watched it enough to know who my favorite is....

2005-08-14 [Kuramasgirl]: Have you seen an episode yet?

2005-08-14 [Nuktae-tal]: ...half of one...I did what the movie was cool...though I think both kuwabara and um um um....the one with slicked back hair are idiots...Botan is very determind and I like her....and kayko and yukina and then old woman are cool....Kurama's....a softy and not so cool...and Hiei is..well...over confident and short but interesting....

2005-08-14 [Kuramasgirl]: lol, I suppose we all have our opinions ^^; You'd probably like Youko Kurama better.

2005-08-15 [Nuktae-tal]: eh far Hiei is the best besides Yukine and Botan

2005-08-15 [Fizban]: lols...oy vey, i havent seen the movie, but i would like too...i dunno, kurama may be softer...but thats because he is smart adn intriciate...he isnt stupid and compassionate, ie kuwabara...he isnt coldhearted and dark...heie....he isnt angry kid bad life protecter dude...dont know how else to describe yurimeshi...he is rutheless, and sharp and calculating...but reserved, intelligent, wise,...he may try to keep you from killing yourself but unlike heie he wont take it easy on you just cause your weak...he hasnt that code of honor...i might like him better if you had seen him and got to know him better from the series...lols, but thats just me...and i love kurama

2005-08-15 [Nuktae-tal]: ..I read the first two books...yuirmeshi? is an idiot...and so is kuwabara...Kurama's to soft...he's a weakling if you can do it right... and the girls are just the best and Hiei is just yea

2005-08-15 [Fizban]: what are you talking about?? a weakling if you can do it right?? what do you mean right?? and he is so strong...he gains strength from others weaknesses, character flaws for others bring him empowerment...if you think kurama is weak...well then you really arent getting what i think the creators are trying to display him as...for they mean to show no weakness without reflected strength for all...

2005-08-15 [Nuktae-tal]: ....nope...apparently they don't put those bits in then...and you can make anyone weak if you do it right...

2005-08-15 [Fizban]: you mean seem weak or look weak?? i am confused abotu the being weak part?? do it right?? apparently i am either reading the wrong thigns, or they arent departing the messages i believed them to be as well as i had thought,...he may look like a weakling to you...but he really isnt in general...i dunno i see his strengthes and weaknesses, and it just looks like you see half of him to me lols...

2005-08-15 [Nuktae-tal]: I have only seen him twice both times he did not seem strong enough...unless joined with someone else...or with help from another...

2005-08-15 [Fizban]: oh well...i cant think of a single battle he needed help with...oys you havent seen the series you really need to lols

2005-08-15 [Nuktae-tal]: meh*shrugs* but like I said...there is always a one has even used the right they wouldn't know...I've had a little more practice and its very satisfying...*shrugs again*

2005-08-15 [Fizban]: very satisfing to do what?? make people weak??

2005-08-15 [Nuktae-tal]: ..only my enemies...

2005-08-15 [Fizban]: then what has it to do with kurama?? and them making him weak correctly??

2005-08-16 [Vhnori Valmos]: Kurama is probably the most powerful character, aside from hiei, he may look, and act weak, but he's not, now he actualy can transform into yoko kurama at will therefore he is the best character, I meen even in his human form he is powerful he just doesnt act it unless he needs to.

2005-08-16 [Fizban]: right...intelligent reserved...whats the point of killing someone that doesnt gain you anything type o guy^_^

2005-08-16 [Nuktae-tal]: ...he's still a weakling in my eyes...they don't portray him like you say very well at all you know

2005-08-17 [Fizban]: not in the movies or books apparently...or you just dont see what well...everyone else see's...

2005-08-17 [Nuktae-tal]: perhaps...I never look at things like everyone else does...otherwise everything isn't as interesting...

2005-08-18 [Fizban]: umm if your perspective is the one where kurama is weak, i am sorry but i am gonna have to think that my way is a little more interesting...;), and just becuase we see the same thing doesnt mean we all look the way everyone else does...some things are just well...obvious...

2005-08-20 [Nuktae-tal]: lol...I suppose...I guess I'll just have to start the series one of these days

2005-08-20 [Fizban]: you definetly should!!^_^

2005-08-20 [Nuktae-tal]: perhaps when I have a job

2005-08-20 [Fizban]: or when the bastardos at cartoon network put it back on the air...

2005-08-20 [Nuktae-tal]: eh...I don't watch cartoon network anymore...I haven't got a tv right I don't really car

2005-08-20 [Fizban]: loyls oy

2005-08-20 [Nuktae-tal]: care lol

2005-08-23 [Vhnori Valmos]: I couldnt live without a t.v.

2005-08-23 [Fizban]: and that is the problem with people of this age...

2005-08-23 [Fizban]: someone shoudl update the page...there are a bunch of pictures that arent working anymore:(

2005-08-23 [Nuktae-tal]: I don't have a tv

2005-08-23 [Fizban]: not a single one in the house?? wow...where did they go?

2005-08-24 [Nuktae-tal]: go? um...well...theres never been one in this house....ever

2005-08-24 [Fizban]: your paretnst afraid it will suck there souls?? lols...'

2005-08-25 [Nuktae-tal]: no I'm staying with my grandma...she doesn't beleive in TV's they only show bad things

2005-08-25 [Fizban]: lols yay books are better anyway...althou certain movies are what i really think your missing out not important...

2005-08-25 [Nuktae-tal]: lol I want video games!

2005-09-06 [Vhnori Valmos]: My t.v. did suck out my soul, but of course you didnt hear that from me

2005-09-07 [Nuktae-tal]: of course of course

2005-09-21 [Vhnori Valmos]: So has anybody ever heard of the elder scrolls 4 oblivion, its coming out in December

2005-09-22 [Nuktae-tal]: uh?

2005-09-25 [Kuramasgirl]: Never heard of that >>;

2005-09-26 [Nuktae-tal]: er

2005-09-30 [Andathar]: I have!!

2005-10-05 [Nuktae-tal]: wow cool... a lot of new ones are coming out apparently...

2005-10-24 [Wolfeca]: i'v heard of it too! but do you know if it comes out for playstation2?

2005-10-27 [Nuktae-tal]: yea its coming out for playstation 2

2005-11-09 [Andathar]: Unfortunaly no its going to be on the xbox 360 and PC

2005-11-14 [Nuktae-tal]: really? I thought they were for the PS2

2006-02-21 [Vhnori Valmos]: Nope, not anymore, they dont make very many PS2 games anymore

2006-02-22 [Nuktae-tal]: yeah thats true...wich I'm mad about seeing it's the only thing I own

2006-02-26 [Vhnori Valmos]: Download emulators

2006-04-11 [Akayume]: <img:> you do know that this char. is a dog demon, right? this...ah..person strongly resembles InuYasha, which literally means " Dog Demon"

2006-04-11 [Kuramasgirl]: o.รด For your information, that is a fox person if the artist says that he is a fox person. I don't care if he resembled Yusuke Urameshi's demon form from Yu Yu Hakusho. If the artist says he's a fox person, then he is :P

2006-04-11 [Akayume]: Okay......

2006-04-11 [Kuramasgirl]: Sorry, but that's come up before and we've explained it before as well. I could draw a dog and call it a horse, if I really wanted to, so it really all depends on the artist...

2006-04-11 [Akayume]: but that doesn't make the dog a horse just because you think so. You could call George W. Bush a hamster and that doesn't make him one.

2006-04-12 [Nuktae-tal]: ...he's a hamster I thought he was a donkey

2006-04-12 [Kuramasgirl]: *shrugs* But that's different. This is an artist's view of their own drawing. That means that the artist can draw it and call it whenever she wants. People can draw something and call it anime, but that doesn't mean it really is :P

2006-04-12 [Akayume]: I guess that's true.

2006-04-12 [Nuktae-tal]: your reality verses my realtiy...socialism and marxism...kinda what the Nazi's did...only they did it to the extreme...and so does russia I suppose...anyways I think it's a very nice artic fox man

2006-05-08 [Vhnori Valmos]: Just because inuyasha is demon dog doesnt mean anything, plus a fox is just another type of dog, which means that inuyasha qualifyes as a fox

2006-05-08 [Nuktae-tal]: ...they are in the species filum...that does not make dogs foxes or foxes dogs....

2006-05-08 [Akayume]: Yeah. I agree.

2006-05-09 [Vhnori Valmos]: Im not saying that foxes are dogs and visa versa, all im saying is that a fox falls under the same catagory

2006-05-09 [Nuktae-tal]: ...under a canine catagory but it is an of branch, it is also under an off branch of the rodent..yet that is it's primary food source...rather odd is it not...

2006-05-10 [Vhnori Valmos]: True, true

2006-05-10 [c101.]: hey are warewolfs allowed because they are wolf and wolfs are like foxes.?

2006-05-10 [Vhnori Valmos]: A wolf is one species of canine, so yes a warewolf is allowed

2006-05-13 [Kuramasgirl]: o_o; You people really carried it in a strange direction, but I'll stick to what I was saying before all the same. The badge serves its purpose. It's a fox-person, and this is the Fox-People Army :P

2006-05-14 [Vhnori Valmos]: That it is

2006-05-14 [Nuktae-tal]: yes

2006-06-18 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Its been like forever since I've been here

2006-06-22 [Vhnori Valmos]: Same, its been like a month since I was last on ET, im supprised this hasnt progressed very far

2006-06-25 [Nuktae-tal]: why should it have?

2006-06-26 [Demetrius Duvalt]: its been like over a year since I've been here

2006-07-04 [Nuktae-tal]: may be right *shrug*

2006-07-05 [Vhnori Valmos]: Jezz. this place needs more entertainment....

2006-07-06 [Nuktae-tal]: *Tackles Marik carefully so it was more playfull then anything else. and giggles tears twitching softly and tail wagging a little.*

2006-07-06 [Pinup_princess]: hey ppl how is everyone today?

2006-07-08 [Vhnori Valmos]: *Falls to the ground, and just lays there, to lazy to get up*

2006-07-08 [Nuktae-tal]: aaawwww* Pouts*

2006-07-10 [Pinup_princess]: um... hi i think

2006-07-11 [Nuktae-tal]: hi!!* Lunges and grabs both of Vampires' feet in a hug*

2006-07-11 [Pinup_princess]: *looks down* hi *waves*

2006-07-11 [Nuktae-tal]: *Smiles* you will play with me????

2006-07-11 [Pinup_princess]: i wat way?

2006-07-11 [Nuktae-tal]: hm?

2006-07-11 [Pinup_princess]: never mind just havin one of thoughs days

2006-07-11 [Nuktae-tal]: a day?

2006-07-11 [Pinup_princess]: o.k i'm in the uk

2006-07-11 [Nuktae-tal]: ...united kingdoms?

2006-07-11 [Pinup_princess]: yup

2006-07-11 [Nuktae-tal]: in...not america?

2006-07-11 [Pinup_princess]: yup as in not america

2006-07-11 [Nuktae-tal]: in drive on the left side of the road not america?

2006-07-11 [Pinup_princess]: yup

2006-07-11 [Nuktae-tal]: ccoooooollll*Glomps you*

2006-07-11 [Pinup_princess]: eeeeee o.k then wud u like a pet plof?

2006-07-11 [Nuktae-tal]: ...a pet plof?

2006-07-11 [Pinup_princess]: yeah i invented it

2006-07-11 [Nuktae-tal]: what is it?

2006-07-11 [Pinup_princess]: i dunno a cute fluffy thing

2006-07-11 [Nuktae-tal]: um... what?

2009-11-14 [foxgirltori]: *happy sigh* I haven't been on here in years..

2009-11-15 [Nuktae-tal]: welcome back then

2009-11-18 [foxgirltori]: *paws at the door* Hello...?

2009-11-18 [Nuktae-tal]: *opens the door* hello come on in. *ears twitch*

2009-11-18 [foxgirltori]: *tucks tail between legs* I wasn't sure if anyone was here.

2009-11-18 [Nuktae-tal]: I am here, come sit by the fireplace. *opens door a little wider, grins showing off canines just a little, tail wrapping around legs.*

2009-11-18 [foxgirltori]: *slowly walks in* I guess its just you and me then?

2009-11-19 [Nuktae-tal]: looks like it. considering I haven't seen anyone else in here for a long long time.

2009-11-19 [foxgirltori]: *ears droop* That's really sad.

2009-11-19 [Kuramasgirl]: *pokes my head in, ears twitching* What's this? Someone's here?

2009-11-20 [foxgirltori]: *cowers in the corner*

2009-11-21 [Kuramasgirl]: *blinks* You don't have to hide. I was just curious. xD

2009-11-21 [foxgirltori]: *ears twitch* I thought you'd be mean and throw a boot at me.

2009-11-21 [Kuramasgirl]: *raises eyebrow* Why in the world would I do such a thing as that?

2009-11-22 [foxgirltori]: Because I'm cute and fluffy.

2009-11-22 [Kuramasgirl]: I don't hate cute and fluffy things. xD

2009-11-22 [foxgirltori]: No, but many people think its funny to hear us squeal in terror when a big leather boot is thrown our way. *sniffles*

2009-11-22 [Kuramasgirl]: Ah, you poor dear. D: *offers a cup of tea*

2009-11-22 [foxgirltori]: *ears and tail twitch* Mmmm...thanks. *takes the cup from you*

2009-11-23 [Kuramasgirl]: *smiles* You're welcome.

2009-11-23 [foxgirltori]: (Anybody thought about cleaning out the AWOL members? The first 11 haven't been on in years)

2009-11-23 [Kuramasgirl]: I'm apparently the owner of the page and had completely forgotten about it. xD Many of the first members are close friends of mine I know in real life, actually. Either that or they have different accounts now.

2009-11-23 [foxgirltori]: Oh.

2009-11-23 [Kuramasgirl]: And besides, considering only the two of us (possibly a third) seem to be active here anymore, it would be crazy to take away all of them. o.o

2009-11-23 [foxgirltori]: We needs to recruit. *nods*

2009-11-23 [Kuramasgirl]: I'm not sure there are many fox people anymore, to be truthful. o.o

2009-11-23 [foxgirltori]: *sighs* they're all on Facebook.

2009-11-23 [Nuktae-tal]: well... I'm on facebook... but I'm here too... so... what's that mean? Sorry I haven't been back went out ahuntin. *holds up two rabbits*

2009-11-23 [foxgirltori]: It's fine.

2009-11-23 [Kuramasgirl]: I'm on Facebook and here too. o.o; *sniffs* Mm, rabbit...

2009-11-23 [foxgirltori]: *discreetly sniffs* Maybe we're just good multitaskers.

2009-12-13 [Nuktae-tal]: you can have them I ate on the hunt * toothy grin* I'd say amazing multitaskers then

2009-12-14 [Kuramasgirl]: Thank you kindly. :D *takes a rabbit and nibbles at it*

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